Wordpress 3.2 Faster and Lighter


The popular blog software loses some weight.

Wordpress developers have released version 3.2 of the popular blogging platform on July 4th 2011. The focus of this release was to make Wordpress faster and lighter, for instance concerning the graphical user interface. To achieve this goal they reworked the so called Dashboard which is a kind of control center for editors of a Wordpress blog. A new feature is the fullscreen mode (so called "Zen Mode") when editing an article. It hides all GUI elements and lets users focus on writing.

The new Wordpress release comes with the new "Twenty Eleven" theme, which is based on HTML 5. Wordpress 3.2 drops support for PHP 4 as well as MySQL 4. Internet Explorer 6 is no longer supported. There's no mention of any security improvements on the notoriously insecure blogging platform. Everything else about the new release can be found at http://wordpress.org/news/2011/07/gershwin/


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