Delphix Report Cites Growing Concerns Over Data Protection


The report focuses on protection of data in non-production environments.

Perforce Software recently released findings from the Delphix 2024 State of Data Compliance and Security Report, providing insights into the handling of sensitive data in non-production environments, such as development, testing, analytics, and AI/ML.

The recent explosive growth of data has led to increased compliance and security issues, with 91% of survey respondents citing concerns about the expanded exposure footprint.

“Our goal with this report is to share the realities of sensitive data exposures in non-production to help enterprises better protect their data moving forward,” said Ann Rosen, Director of Product Marketing for Delphix by Perforce.

The top concern cited by respondents involves data breaches and data theft (88%), the report states. Other concerns include:

  • Regulatory compliance (86%)
  • Ransomware (86%)
  • Data corruption and alteration (82%)
  • Audit issues and failures (82%)

Additionally, 54% of respondents reported having experienced data breaches and theft in non-production environments, while 53% reported data corruption and alteration, and 52% cited audit issues and failures.

Read more at Delphix.



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