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Comparing Logon Script Alternatives

Scripting Competition

Article from ADMIN 26/2015
We compare the performance of batch, VBScript, and PowerShell commands with four standard tasks.

Logon scripts provide an important service when setting up a PC workstation: They create an individual workplace environment for each employee based on the employee's logon context. On Windows XP, scripting was limited to batch files and VBScripts; however, PowerShell has elevated the scripting game since Windows 7.

Is PowerShell really so much better, though? To try and find some clarity in this matter, I put the three technologies – batch (statements and binaries interpreted by cmd.exe), VBScript (Visual Basic Script Edition, processed by Wscript.exe or cscript.exe), and PowerShell (version 3; console with additional script engine for PS1 files) – to the test. In doing so, I consider:

  • How powerful is each technology?
  • What are the limitations and restrictions?
  • How intuitive is each technology, and how well is it documented?

Objective and Scenario

Logon script targets can be divided roughly into two areas: infrastructure and local system. Infrastructural objectives could be managing shares, particularly mapping network drives, or connecting a network printer and setting the default printer. For local systems, it might be necessary to run programs, change a registry key, or create a link.

The typical tasks I will give the three Microsoft scripting engines in this test involve mapping shares, adding a network printer, running a file, and changing the registry. Additionally, I expect to see output in the event of an error.

Mapping Shares

Connecting to shares on a server is a standard task in setting up a desktop. The DOCS share on server SRV will be mapped as drive M . To simplify matters, I am omitting the transfer of user information for securing rights for this action.

Batch: The batch command for this action is:

net use m: \\SRV\DOCS

The net.exe file handles this command. The mixture of command interpreter access and commands is typical of batch files.

VBScript: The VBScript command is:

Set ObjNet = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Network")

A VBScript logon script only provides the control constructs such as loops, branches, and so on. The actual functionality is in a collection of component object model (COM) objects (standard for software development at Microsoft) – in particular, the Windows Script Host (WSH) run-time library.

In this example, I create an object based on the WScript.Network class in order to then use the MapNetworkDrive method.

PowerShell: The PowerShell command is:

New-PsDrive -name m -Root \\SRV\DOCS \
   -PsProvider FileSystem -persist

PowerShell uses the cmdlet command type. Simplified, cmdlets can be understood as an extension of .NET types. The <verb>-<noun> structure makes usage very intuitive. Here, the New action is connected with the PsDrive target.

Printer Management

The second step involves sharing a network printer with the user. The server has the familiar name SRV , and the shared printer is referred to as PP . I also want this printer to be the default printer.

Batch: First up is the batch command:

Rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /in /n /Y \\SRV\PP

The Rundll32.exe application steps into the breach for the weak internal commands of command.com. Here, it defines the printer as a network printer (/in) with a name (/n) in the form of \\<server>\<sharing name>. The default printer property is set with the /Y option.

VBScript: Visual Basic uses the following command chain for printer configuration:

Set ObjNet = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Network")

This is the second WScript.Network type method. VBScript proves to rely very heavily on COM. Later, I will look at whether this is an advantage or disadvantage.

The same object can also carry out part two of the task,


which defines the printer as the default.

PowerShell: PowerShell is more flexible with this command:

$pr = get-WmiObject -Class "win32_Printer"

It can access, among other things, .NET types and WMI classes. The new printer receives the default flag,

$default = get-wmiObject -Class win32_Printer \
   -Filter "name = 'PP'"

which identifies it in the list of available printers. This is somewhat elaborate, but meaningful.

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